When to Know You Have a Strong Slip and Fall Case


Not all personal injury cases are the same. Some cases are stronger than others, which is why you should always speak with a slip and fall attorney after being injured to know how strong of a case you have on your hands and if it is worth pursuing.

 There are a few incidents where a slip and fall scenario can lead to a strong case, especially whenever experiencing an injury on a businesses’ property. This should always be taken seriously as injuries can leave a lasting impression.  

Wet Floors

Injuries from slip and falls are common due to wet floors. Water leaks, freshly mopped floors, or even tracked in rain and snow can cause puddles and slick floors. 

A business should always have proper signs and warnings in place to alert and protect customers. If possible, it is even best to block off slippery areas. If you do fall and injure yourself and there were no signs or acts of prevention on the business’ part, the business is held liable and you will have a strong case due to their negligence.

Damaged Floors

Wet floors aren’t the only danger, damaged floors can also cause a slip and fall injury. Carpet, rugs, and hardwood floors all must be in safe condition. Uneven floors can cause customers to trip and fall.

It is the responsibility of the business to make sure the floors are safe and if not, signs should be in place to alert customers.

Missing Hardware

In addition to warning signs for wet or damaged floors, other hardware such as handrails must also be available to prevent slip and fall injuries. Especially along stairs and walkways, a business should have a handrail for customers.

A business should also have easy handicap access areas. Failure to provide these things can lead to slip and fall injuries and a strong case for the victim when negligence is proven. 

Working with a Slip and Fall Attorney

Whenever you are involved in a slip and fall and suffer from an injury, it is crucial to receive medical assistance right away and report the incident to the business.

The next step is to meet with a trusting personal injury attorney who specializes in slip and fall claims. In the state of Pennsylvania, you must bring a slip and fall claim forward within 2 years of the incident. 

Edelstein Law Firm offers the experience and support needed to successfully win a slip and fall case. We have the skills to fight for you and get what you deserve while holding the responsible party accountable.


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