How To Protect Your Loved One If You Suspect Nursing Home Sexual Abuse

Albeit unfathomable, sexual abuse and sexual assault does occur within institutions, especially to particularly vulnerable communities such as nursing home residents. Not only that, but since these victims are often incapaciated due to age, disease or illness such as dementia or alzheimers, any claims made are often disregarded or followed up with minimal repercussions. 

Don’t let your loved one be a silent victim to sexual abuse in nursing homes or other care taking facilities. Know the signs of sexual abuse and hire an aggresive and experienced nursing home sexual abuse lawyer to handle your case. 

How to Tell if Your Elderly Loved One is a Victim Of Nursing Home Sexual Abuse 

Looking for signs of sexual abuse in your elderly loved ones is not something many people have experience in. And while most nursing homes and other caretaking facilities are safe, trustworthy and professional, the risk of not knowing the signs of sexual abuse are far too great. It’s also important to know there are several other forms of sexual abuse to look for besides rape. The following are other forms of sexual abuse or misconduct:

Other Forms of Sexual Abuse

  • Fondling

  • Unwanted intimate touching including of the breasts or genitals 

  • Forcing an elder or resident to witness sexual acts

  • Forcing an elder or resident to perform sexual acts such as genital touching or oral sex

  • Taking indecent photos of residents 

  • Forcing residents to fully undress for non-medical or essential reasons

Once you are aware of the many forms of abuse, you can look for physical and non-physical signs that abuse might be happening. Again, just because these signs are present, doesn’t mean sexual abuse is taking place. Nursing home sexual abuse accusations are serious and should be handled by an experienced, professional attorney. 

Physical Signs of Sexual Abuse

  • Unexplained STDs or STIs

  • Bruising of the inner thigh or genitals

  • Bloody or stained underwear/clothing

  • Torn clothing

  • Recurrent UTIs

  • Injuries such as broken hips/pelvis/wrists

Non-Physical Signs of Sexual Abuse 

  • Increased agitation

  • Becoming withdrawn

  • Depression

  • Flashbacks

  • Suicidal attempts

Single handedly, none of these signs are sufficient enough to assume nursing home sexual abuse is occurring, however, if you notice any of these signs they should be investigated and documented immediately.

If you continue to feel that your loved one is the victim of nursing home sexual abuse, contact an experienced lawyer immediately. 

How to Pursue a Nursing Home Sexual Abuse Case

If your gut tells you something wrong is going on, start to document all injuries and illnesses immediately. Additionally, the National Center of Elder Abuse recommends further steps to take if you believe your loved one is the victim of nursing home sexual abuse. For example, call 911 or Adult Protective Services. Contact the administrators or management staff to file a formal and documented complaint. Then, if there is little to no follow through regarding your claim, contact a specialized Philadelphia nursing home sexual abuse lawyer to help you with your case.


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