What to Do If You Need a School Bullying Lawyer in Philadelphia
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Unfortunately, school bullying is more prevalent than ever, mainly due to the rise in technology and social media. It may even get so bad that you might need to seek legal representation, and when you do, you need to know what to do to get the help you deserve.
Warning Signs
It is important to be involved in your child’s life, but children may not always come to you when there is a problem. Look for the following behaviors, as they could be signs of bullying:
- Unexplained injuries, bruises, or cuts that occur more than once
- Spending a lot of time alone and having few friends
- Doesn’t want to go to school
- A decline in school work productivity
- Changes in mood like being particularly moody, depressed, or sad
What To Do
If your child is being bullied at school, there are things you can do.
- Be supportive and listen to their concerns
- Follow the school’s bullying protocol and confront the school about how they are going to deal with the issue
- Seek legal advice to talk about the situation and get legal representation if the school fails to take action
Legal Representation
Every child deserves to feel confident and safe going to school. All schools should be a safe environment, but that isn’t always the case. An education law lawyer that specializes in school bullying can help by meeting with you to discuss all the details. It is helpful to provide any proof you may have so we can explore all legal options. We can help build a case if needed and take the correct approach to get your family the justice deserved.