Edelstein Law, LLP

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Determining Liability During Inclement Weather and How to Stay Safe on the Roads

There are so many things to look forward to when the temperatures drop: outdoor activities, holidays, fall colors and (fingers crossed) a white Christmas. Something we don’t plan for and should, is how winter weather can affect the safety of the roads. 

Accidents are always horrifying, but seemingly more so during the winter and holiday season. If you end up in a winter weather accident, be sure to call a car accident attorney in Philadelphia to protect your case. 

Who’s Liable in Inclement Weather?

Some accidents are black and white when it comes to determining fault; however, when inclement weather is involved it gets a little trickier. According to insurance companies, a responsible driver should take all precautions necessary to avoid an accident, including delaying travel during inclement weather. If a driver does decide to travel during such conditions, they are also expected to adjust their driving to accommodate for poor visibility, wet or icy roads, etc. Unfortunately, should an accident occur under these circumstances, your insurance company will likely find you at fault because weather is an avoidable event.

How an Experienced Attorney can Help

Weather related accidents make up 23% of car accidents annually and typically occur on wet roads. Because insurance companies will try to make you liable, hiring a professional attorney will help your case tremendously.

 An experienced attorney will gather information to help determine you did everything within reason to be a safe and responsible driver. They may want to know and prove you were driving at a reasonable speed in regards to the weather conditions, that you were traveling at a safe distance from the car in front of you and if the weather was an expected or unexpected condition.  

Tips to Prevent Winter Accidents

Sometimes accidents are unavoidable, but there are steps you can take to help prevent them. The first step is winterizing your car. Before the temperatures get too cold, take your car in for winter maintenance which can include antifreeze wiper fluid, switching to winter tires, checking your battery, getting snow chains, and creating a winter safety kit. 

Next you’ll want to adjust your driving habits. If you’re driving under poor visibility or on wet roads, you’ll want to drive slower and increase the distance between you and the car in front of you. If you’re driving in snowy or icy conditions, in order to prevent slipping, slow down the rate at which you accelerate and decelerate. Always remember to make slow and steady adjustments to keep your vehicle in control. 

If you’ve been involved in a winter storm accident or need to file a claim, contact a Philadelphia car accident lawyer immediately. Hiring an experienced accident lawyer is your best hope for getting you the compensation you need and deserve.