What To Do If You Have Been Sexually Assaulted at Work


Sexual assault cases at work are not uncommon. In fact, a recent study found that 81 percent of woman and 43 percent of men reported incidents of sexual assault at work. In can be a very overwhelming experience and you might feel afraid to come forward. To get the justice you need, you will need to report the incident and seek the support of a sexual abuse attorney Philadelphia.

What is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is when a person intentionally and sexually touches someone else without their consent or physically forces a person to engage in a sexual act against their will. This can happen anywhere including a professional setting and the workplace.

Of course, this experience is devastating and often times leaves victims with a range of emotions, including fear of coming forward. However, it is important to not feel powerless or stay quiet and always report any sexual assault to help find closure and justice.

Steps to Take After Experiencing Sexual Assault

If you have been a victim of sexual assault at work, speak up right away to the right person about the incident. This means reporting to the designated person, usually in the human resources department or your immediate supervisor. There is always a chance you may need to take the issue further to court if things are not resolved properly through work. This is when a “right to sue” letter could be issued. The letter could benefit you by getting your job reinstated if you lost it, receive damages for emotional distress and more. When this occurs, you always want to work with a sexual assault attorney to help you with your case. 

If you are unsure if you have been a victim, as there are many forms of sexual assault, always speak with a lawyer to understand your rights better. 

Why Work with a Sexual Assault Attorney

After you report to your work about the incident, speak with a sexual abuse attorney. Make sure to report all the details including dates, times, locations and other important details. Keep in mind that the sooner you are able to report, the better. During the investigation, always remain confidential and never say anything that can interfere with your case, especially at work or on social media.

At Edelstein Law, we will fight to bring you justice while still respecting what you are going through. We understand that after being a victim of sexual assault at work, you could be feeling overwhelmed depressed, guilty and fearful. Our compassionate team of lawyers will be there to offer you the support and legal guidance you need during this difficult time.


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